Survival Doom update V0.2.0

Hello! I know I know, it's been MORE THAN A YEAR since the last update. Don't think I've forgotten about this little project haha (It's just the college and work that are consuming my life entirely now) Here are the changes done to the game! There have been a lot of improvements when talking about performance and code logic. Let's see them!


  • There are new enemies! At last there are other enemies than the Cacodemons! Now you'll have to survive different demons!
  • The ammo and health pickables have been implemented, now you can pickup ammo and health (I have not implemented SFX to improve the knowledge of this events, It'll be implemented).
  • Now the walls can have textures! This is something I've been trying to make since the beginning and I think it'll finally come true soon! Those textures are from the test I made and they turned out being successfully done! Now I have to test how to make them betted along the perspective and variaty.
  • New enemy AI! Now they have Finite State Machines implemented. 
  • Now when you shoot the screen shakes for dramatic effect haha
  • The enemies now can be stunned! If dealt enough damage in a little time span.
  • New menus, the win or lose screens have been updated to use the doom bitmap.


  • Again, the whole code has been restructured, but this time has been the greatest restructuration I've ever made to a code. Due I've have been studying developement and I've learned more about good practices, It was really terrifing looking at the code almost 8 months later. I said "How is even possible that this thing is running??". So I corrected a lot of redundant code, simplified some other things, implemented better logic and reusable code, I even implemented better AI and Finite State Machines! This will allow me to easily implement the elements I want without burning out (Actually that was the main reason I mostly took a break of the project)
  • The bullet logic has been simplified.
  • The AI of the enemies have been improved, now using the state machine they are way more intelligent, they'll chase the player (even if they have lost you from their FOV), following the last position they saw the player.
  • The camera and elements of the world have a new property! The Z axis position! (In this case I'm using the Z axis as the vertical axis, though the Y axis is the one which is commonly used in this case), With this implementation I will be able to create more beleavable the 3D world object projections of the objects and elements. It's not the final version but it's a great advance :D
  • The audio system and audio panning has been completely redone and improved! The effect is more notizable and the proyectiles and enemies have it!
  • A new menu maker has been created, so it will be easier to create the menus.
  • The fonts have been upscaled, so they don't look pixelated (I was using the original bitmap font sizes)


  • A weird bug with the previous projectile system. It happened that if you shot a weapon and you switched to other weapon the shooted projectile just disappeared for no reason.


  • The enemies are still overlaping haha
  • Due the new logic of the code when sorting the order of the elements in the world, some enemies "clip" through the walls. However, I've noticed it's a visual bug, due you can still shoot the enemies that are clipped. I think it has to do with the fisheye effect fixing and the missunderstanding of the distances between enemies and elements of the world.
  • If you are getting shot near a wall, there could be a chance that you might end up traspassing the wall. The root of the issue is the force amount of the projectiles when they collide, because of the collision the item is being pushed with big force.
  •  Thanks to the restructuration the old damage system has been disabled temporarely, so it might feel a little bit weird because of the damage dealt by both enemies and player. The score logic has been disabled as well so the score is not working properly.
  • For some reason, If you kill an enemy there is a chance the ammo or healthpackage dropped by it gets bursted out in any direction. I think It might be an error with the collisions and detection. I tought it was solved haha.
  • The zombies enemies are not making the walk animation thought it has been implemented. 

Things that will be coming in the next update:

  • The "options" function of the main menu and the pause menu (sorry).
  • A tutorial for the people new to the game.
  • More weapons!
  • More enemies!
  • More vivid and intresting textures of the walls,  ceiling and floor.
  • Many more things!

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Sep 21, 2024

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